I have seen an infinite space in my mind--
Whereupon great Life can be seen dancing with Herself, unblind;
Is there a way I can hold myself and sway to and fro,
Carefully and in subtle graces hiding apart from woe?--
For I am as like a majestic sea serpent in shadow
Who encircles endless epiphany while aching for boundless tomorrow.
I keep the Light within me sacred and brave,
Like desert papyrus pages that crave their finding in mysterious caves;
For I am as famished for Knowledge and unbridled for Wisdom
As a lover under cover of night misses her Only, lonely for all of him--
And as we seek shelter beyond the pale facade of a heart interfered,
I know the Truth of our Divinity like a mother knows the face of her child endeared.
Heaven is a radiantly indwelling display of outward refrains,
Like a Consciousness meant for hummingbird meditations and soul-retrieval trains:
For I am that flower that heartspun-flight-being found,
I am that girl sitting by herself near the caboose who dare not make a sound:
For her Voice is thunderous when loud, her Cosmic Spirit filled with starlight,
And I know this because she is me, and I am she, and our future is ever bright.
I would not author endless night on my tears,
Or shatter the essence with them, leaving them defenseless among my younger years,
For I am bold as I withhold such suffering from my surrendered soul,
And I yearn to be suited within my shining Merkabah and finally feel whole.